Crusty Quinns

  A Ride Report - that wot happened...
The RTRA took my baby away!
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The Pines
Date 05/Nov/05
5 Riders H, Jed, kx steve, Phil, Steve525
Rider of the day Not awarded
Stack of the day Not awarded
Great ride this morning, 3 riders turned up at 6am for a local ride, Steve 525, KX Steve & H, Acid Gloves Eddy and his Sister Annie weren't needed after all. At 5am the rain was pretty heavy, it stopped raining on the way up to Tip, parked near the raceway unloaded the bikes and rode down to the tip over the woop section near the road. The going through the sand was bogey, as soon as you shut off the power the bikes wanted to go their own way.

Did a few laps of the tip and then went for a blast around the outside, with KX Steve filming with his new helmet cam. The tracks at the bottom next to the fence were under water for most of the way. As only 3 of us had turned up that early we went for a ride down into the pine sections found a few small trials and made a short loop. Ended up at a dead end in the middle of a Bee Hive Section (Oh f@#k) quickly turned around and off the other way.

There used to be an old goat trial section which went from the raceway to our normal CQ parking place, which had now been bulldozed through, it's now a fairly wide section with many twists and turns with banked and off camber corners, certain section have a few rocks and holes, it made for great ride but the camera didn't work on this section (typical) On the way back I wondered why the front end was washing out a little bit only to find I had flat front tyre. I had to leave then anyway. There were no crashes and no major problems except for the camera not working as we all rode really hard

The two Steve's carried on for a while. On the way down the road from the raceway I stopped to find Phil and Jed at the side of the road, with Moose (The Spectator) making a quick cameo appearance as he had the kids in the van.


Crusty Quinns® - born in WA in 2000 - V1.3.0-17/Apr/13