Crusty Quinns

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Nth Bannister Enduro
Date 03/Sep/06
4 Riders JayBo, John, orry, Steve525
Rider of the day Not awarded
Stack of the day JayBo
bannister enduro

bannister was a blast with a different start area and two loops than last year. Talked to steve525 and john but alas only saw jaybo lying next to your car as i came through to start another loop. Good to hear you should have quick recovery for isde. First loop had some good sand sections that formed beut berms. Second loop i thought was a better enduro loop with a healthy section of logs to cross (or going around if you could be bothered pulling you bike backwards as some appeared sudden like) mixed with rocks. Times for both loops were to easy with nearly 20 mins to spare. I did'nt feel to special on the special test but it was a quite open course with nothing of note in it.
At the end of the third loop the guy i was riding with commented at the lack of cars around already and i noticed two people loading bent bikes. the guy i was riding with came to grief in the log section 15 mins later.

Crusty Quinns® - born in WA in 2000 - V1.3.0-17/Apr/13