Crusty Quinns

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Whitewater 300 Morawa
Date 22/May/11
5 Riders Brownie, KLXTony, Merv, Sharky, Wombat
Rider of the day Not awarded
Stack of the day Not awarded
Well the new Midwest Enduro & trailriders Club had been formed and the first event of the year had been called.

The Whitewater 300 was to be held on a property called funnily enough, Whitewater farm.

This was strangely enough not situated in the Avon valley,as may be suspected, but a few kays from Morawa. Smack bang in the middle of the wheatbelt!

Dont let it be said the Midwesterners dont have a sense of humour!

Ah but hang on a minute. Whats that? .Water? Yep! ..And whats more . MUD

An inch of rain had landed on the property a few days previous, and it had all and sundry licking their lips in anticipation of a good ride.

5 Crusties made the 150km trip out to what was a beautiful property set in rolling hills with plenty of natural woodland and creeklines running through it.

Merv, KLX Tony, Sharky and Brownie from Geraldton. And Wombat had made the trip up from Perth for the event.

Colin had mentioned something about a trip to the big smoke to buy a tractor?

A few punters had camped out on the Saturday night and when we rolled in the numbers were up around 70 odd riders.

A lot of guys from the local Moto x club, but also a lot of new enduro faces as well.

The pit area was a fantastic spot in amongst big gum trees and a couple of dams right next to a riverbed.

At the riders meet it was explained that a brilliant course awaited including 8km of riverbed.

Yes around 8km of riverbed, albeit mostly sandy, but a fair amount of it laced with boggy water holes and rocks and a few sandy, watery, rocky, soupy patches that were interesting.

The rest of the course was among the best country I think you could find in the Midwest area to ride.

Singletrack through the trees, hill climbs, creek crossings, wide open firetrail blasts, tight rocky stuff, it even had a great 4th gear pipe section where you weaved from one side to the other in a big drainage/contour ditch doing your best Kelly slater impression before jumping out of it into a fast off camber hillclimb. Ah takes me back to the days in the combi down the beach..

Anyway the format was a 4 hour Pony Express. Each loop was around 20 odd kms

Merv completed 2 laps and Wombat and Browny did 3 each. I think KLX Tony punched out quite a few ironman laps.

Everybody had a great ride.

No major stacks and all were riders of the day!

A fantastic ride in a top spot.

Whitewater 300
Merv Browny & Wombat

Whitewater 300
Browny and Wombat in the only dusty patch on the coarse

Whitewater 300
Merv coming into the start/finish area after a 4km riverbed blast

Whitewater 300

Whitewater 300

Whitewater 300

Crusty Quinns® - born in WA in 2000 - V1.3.0-17/Apr/13