Crusty Quinns

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Horricks or bust.
Date 19/May/12
4 Riders Bushy, ktm carl, Merv, Wombat
Rider of the day Not awarded
Stack of the day Not awarded
Well, had an awesome ride with the midwest crew today. Challenged ourselves to a Horrick's run which means sand, woops, more sand and more woops! Had the ever so reliable Merv volunter for some sweep duties, only to be challenged by the new and improved Bushy on his new steed, a 2011 WR450. A classic example of bike ability outdoing rider ability..... He's still keen to have a go but. Hit the trails about lunchtime and all was flowing relatively well considering the lack of sleep involved due to some late travel arrangements and a few of Tasmania's finest Ales to boot. Had our first regroup at Corronation Beach and between us, probably sweated out most of the impurities consumed the night before. Now the clean blood flowing through our veins, we were on a mission to smash some serious sand trails and show who's the boss! We've all thought that at some stage, as long as the will is alive, the mind will succombe. With this driving us on, the second half of the trip flowed much better despite the woop intensity increasing as we continued on. With barely a malaligned dune bouncing us off track or a stray pot rope entangling our driving momentum, we continued on with minimal distraction, occasionally stopping to ensure sweep and Bushy were still in the game. As expected, both ploughed through to arrive within time and expectations. As promised, a pie and an energy drink awaited us at Horricks General to refuel the void left by the intense workout that James Boag had put us through. A 30 minute designated break ensured both bike and body were fuelled for the return run. This time we were punching into the wind and this made for a much cooler run as the southerly carried the 10 degree lower temps we needed to reduce the excessive perspiration experienced on the initial run. The downside was the afternoon sun cast a nasty glare on the sand which made it very difficult to read the tracks as it all blended in like an ever lasting sheet of reflex A3 print paper. The return journey woops showed no remorse and appearred to have grown slightly just to step the challenge up. Fortunately, we were on a mission to get back and teach James a lesson so Mt Kosiosco wouldn't have detered us one bit. A slight detour over the back of Okagee river saw us hitting some brown rather than white sand for a few k's which was a welcome change. But as all roads head to the dunes, we were quickly reunited with the white sand and accompaning woops the give us the upper body workout that only diehards would pay for in an upper class gym. As we neared our starting point, a bogged nissan provided a slight distraction allowing KTMcarl to close the gap and set up a final drag race to the finish line. As both 500's were singing in a pitch all to familiar to Erzberg, the final moment drew down to who braked first before showering the carpark with KTM parts and riders alike. Needless to say, Wombat having recently discovering how well his brakes worked, (thanks Tommy) won the drag with micro seconds to spare. The usual laughs and banter followed before we all head back to Merv's to review the days ride. As alway's, any ride is a good ride, especially when it's incident free. Cheers to Merv, Carl, Bushy and newbie Pete(on a Husi450) for a great ride and if we pull up ok tomorrow, we might even have a crack at a Greenough run..... Rock on 2 wheels. :)






Crusty Quinns® - born in WA in 2000 - V1.3.0-17/Apr/13